We need an online Quote Board because, dang it, we say some funny stuff.Me impersonating Doug's response to the recall notice on Brad's car:
"Something about a fire under the hood, blah, blah, blah, final notice, yadda, yadda, yadda."
Doug: "Do you know what a rhetorical question is?"
Me: "Did you want me to answer that?"
"I know I may not look it, but I have a dreidel." Alysia's friend.
"Do you know how much money we could make if we were Italian and in the mob?" - Brad
"Why does it make our husbands uncomfortable when we flirt?" - RaeLynn
"Can we clone you and kill the others?" - Gary
"I can't relate. I'd never do anything that stupid." - Teri
"Careful Jake - you're still soft on top." - David
"If I were a dinosaur I'd eat that tree." - Heidi
"Next time I get a prostate exam I'm going to a taller doctor." - Doug
"Three in a row? Dang. Looks like someone else needs to start talking." - Amy
"I'd be really good at yoga if I didn't have any arms or legs." - Amy
"That was a
brilliant use of profanity!" - Amy
"Thanks to you and your amazing sperm." - Amy
Heidi: I think my arms are getting fat.
Amy: You know, I think I'd be OK if I didn't have any girls.
"It's a good thing she's wearing pants." - Becky
"If I was really, really tall I'd find a really, really tall girl to breed with." - Brad
Amy - "Apparently I'm not as smart as I think I am.
Me - "That's OK. I couldn't figure out how to set up my Far Side calendar."
RaeLynn - "What if you go metro in the next couple of years?"
Scott - "I can't because I'm fat."
"If you want to be in my will, you'd better put me on your quote board you little punk." - My Father In-Law
"Dear, the ceiling fan is the best parent in the world." - David
"I don't get it. How can people not believe in global warming? It's so hot!" - Melinda
"Dear, we need a little person to make cookies." - Amy
"Can I just say that high heels can really be annoying?" - Ryan
"Seriously. I poke myself in the eye on a daily basis." - Melinda
"Nobody can make you laugh but yourself." - Heidi
"Hopefully that's why my check engine light has been on for so long." - Curtis
"No one likes a leper." - Amy
Oma (our friend's grandma), laughing: "I like monkeys."
Matt: Do you know where, "Wax on, wax off" comes from?
Whittney: Seinfeld?
"You're never too old to go to space camp dude." - Dave, "Stranger Than Fiction"
"I raise mini-cattle under my bed." - Amy, sort of
"Sometimes I think I interact with the TV more than I'm supposed to." - Amy
"Wait. There aren't 71 states." - Hunter
"Did that bird miss a connecting flight South or what?" - Amy
"You can be wise and happy or stupid and miserable. The choice is yours." - President Hinckley, Dec. 31, 2006
"I can't imagine what it would be like to have your government overthrown...is there anything good on TV tonight?" - Amy
"If you were a super model, I wouldn't love you less, just in a different way than I do now." - Jeremy O.
"I don't hang out with you anymore and look how cool I am!" - Rob
"David, you need to grow your monkeys." - Whittney
"I'm a genius too! Wait. I think I just spit a bran flake." - Amy
"Need I remind you it powered a
time machine?" - Amy
"Dear, how come we never get to watch Desperate Housewives when the kids are around?" - Doug
"I'm so hot, I'll never have to pay for anything ever! Look at me spin! Look at me twirl! " - Ryan, referencing the Jazz cheerleaders
"Well, obviously my underwear is unravelling." - Doug
"I hate getting out of the car. It's like going to the bathroom." - Amy
Heidi: "Grandma, are you a racist?"
Grandma: "No. I'm a bigot."
"Tastes just like real french toast!" - David
"I'm writing 'eat me' on pork" - Amy
"Girls rule! We have homemaking skills AND physical endurance skills" - Heidi
"He may be shallow, but he dates hot chicks" - David about Brad
"Dang! No wonder people like having money." - Amy
"Dad, I don't think you've made the peacock noises since we left Colorado" - Amy
"Is she going to wear a hair net, or am I going to have to worry about that all night?" - Doug
"The conduit for all knowledge in the universe is located in our apartment. Specifically, the shower." - Rob
"Adam had it easy. Eve HAD to love him!" - Josh
"If the social life of the world would be best benefited by my hooking up with an ugly girl, then I'm sorry - it's not happening." - Ryan
"Woo-hoo! I have dents in my head!" - Neil
"Hello, is this whore removal?" - Dave
"My brain is numb. There's been cheese on it all night." - Ryan
"I used to be a body builder..." - Dave
"Hey! Don't make fun of the dumb kid." - Alysia
"I've been told my hair feels like rabbit fur." - Neil
"I hate not eating out. 'Cause, well, first of all it sucks..." - Ryan
Dave: "What's a lime-o?"
Rob: "That would be 'limo' Dave."
"Ya know, some people just look better from far away." - Definitely Ryan
"Women don't want a knight, they want the whole dang Round Table!" - Rob
Eden: "You know, in Russian, 'Rob' means 'slave'".
Ryan: "Well, in English 'Rob' means 'to steal'".
"Sometimes I almost feel guilty for BS-ing my homework. Then I think, 'Wait, no I don't.'" -Dave
"Is she the tall girl with the loud mouth?" - Ryan
"You're a very positive person, but I think you're an idiot." - Rob
"Nothing hurts more than seeing two beautiful girls going into a bridal store." - Dave
Dave: "I always buy biscuits, but never make them."
Rob: "Then don't get any."
Dave: "But I might this time."
Rob: "The triumph of hope over experience."
"You're not hopeless Dave, all you need is a good woman." - Rob
"If there were no girls, we'd never be tempted. It'd be like scout camp." - Josh
"Well, that's a bridge under troubled waters. Wait..." - Rob
"Hyrum's wife died, and HE got married like a week later." - Ryan
"I'm just the ultimate compliment." - Ryan
Dave: "With hair like this, it's amazing that I don't have a girlfriend."
Josh: "Maybe it's your personality."