Saturday, November 19, 2005

My Christmas Wish List

Santa's gone high-tech. Here's my Christmas list with corresponding hyperlinks to specific stores for easy shipping. I also accept cash, money orders and personal checks with two forms of I.D. Check back regularly for updates.

(Note: I certainly don't expect to get most of the things on this list. However, I feel I should cover my bases in case any wealthy philanthropists happen to stumble upon this site.)

• iPod Video 30 gig (
• 15" Powerbook (
• The Office, Season One on DVD (
• BMW M5 (
• A Dilbert or Far Side desk calendar
• One of these (
• Some iTunes downloads might be cool
• A digital camcorder
• Gasoline for a year
• A Mediterranean Cruise
• Some Sheepskin Slippers (
• Call of Duty 2 for Xbox
• Star Wars Battlefront II for Xbox

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