Thursday, February 16, 2006


I'm afraid I don't understand the "sport" of "curling".

Last night I made the off-handed comment that curling was the only Olympic sport with a athlete smoking lounge. My sister in-law sternly rebuked me, insisting all "curlers" were true athletes in fine physical condition.

I'm sorry, but I retain my position that "curling" (so-called) is a sissy sport. First of all, the people who participate in in are called "curlers" which is also what women put in their hair (sissy).

In addition, they use brooms which they rub back and forth in front of the "curling stone".

I'm not sure what makes that sissy, but it is.

Lastly, it's mainly played by Canadians which, as we all know, are a bunch of pansy northerners who run around in beaver pelts and eat their own special kind of bacon.


  1. hey buns, I've attempted to explain the ways of canadians on my blog, but you guys don't get it. But with all the terrible sterotypes floating around today, us Canadians get off lucky, eh? You need to meet Wite Wing Wadical. He used to think like you but I think he might be comin around.

  2. Rath of Buns
    I some how, unfortunately, ended up on your blog. Interested in your views and strange subjects I found my self reading your opinion on curling. I am some what appauled by your very strong view with something you know little about. Infact I bet you have no Idea that curling was invented by the Scottish in the late 1400's and now in the year 2006 nearly 35 countries have teams. I beat you don't even know what a Biter, chip and lie, burned stone, and Bonspiel is. Oh, and the players are in good shape. Not as good as speed skater mind you, but then again who is? Anyway, good shape comes in because they have to push hard, sweep hard and no how to control their physical strength in case a their hammer (which is the name of the last rock of the match) only needs a light push. Well I believe I am done here. I would appreciate it if you researched your comments before slaughtering things you no absolutely nothing about!
