Friday, March 3, 2006


We have a client, who shall remain nameless (literally). We were asked to name their lodging establishment in Park City. With only two days, we thought we came up with some decent names. Here was the client's response (the type-o's are his):

"In my opinion, all suggested names STINK. Try again. How do these names reflect everything that you queried us about at the last meeting? How about: "The warm, fuzzy, great servi\ce Park City ski and summer resort hotel".? or TWFGSPCSASRH?

- Client's Name

P. S. You experts can do better than the names that you have suggested."

There you have it folks. So the next time you head east on I-80 and drive through Park City, keep an eye out for The Warm, Fuzzy, Great Servi/ce Park City Ski and Summer Resort Hotel. They're very professional and I hear the service is excellent.

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