Scientists define a planet as "A celestial body that is in orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a ... nearly round shape, and has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit." Apparently, Pluto's orbit overlaps Neptune's (the nerve!) which is the disqualifying factor in this galactic quandary. But I propose the question: how do you know that Neptune's orbit isn't overlapping Pluto's?
According to USA Today, "The decision at a conference of 2,500 astronomers from 75 countries...[split] astronomers into factions, triggering days of sometimes combative debate that led to Pluto's undoing."

While I couldn't care less about how many planets are in our solar system (honestly, I've never noticed any of them) this is the kind of thing that really bothers me about science. Everybody is so sure that things are a certain way (guising it under the safety net of "theory") and then, in a single day, the solar system changes. Yesterday Pluto was the smallest planet in our solar system. It was fact. And now it's not.
Poor Pluto.
Darn it and just when I was learning to accept that the moon is not made of green cheese! What's next, are they going to tell us that Marvin the Martian is really not on Mars buton another planet cooking up schemes to destroy the galaxy? I would tend to agree, anyone that wears a pocket protctor as a fashion statement really does not fit the profile of combative.
ReplyDeleteThat is my primary issue with doctors. My RE charges ~$125 for an u/s and I was having an "issue" last week and his response was, "Yeah we don't really know why that happens to you". My response, " Can I have a discount until you get that figured out?" It's all guesswork. My grandma says that is why they say that they are "practicing" medicine. The same should apply to scientists.
ReplyDeletemy thoughts exactly, Dave.