Friday, February 9, 2007

Bumper sticker: Why is there always money for war, but not for education?

My wife taught a math class to 37 kids at a public middle school. I can vouch for the need for more money in our educational system. I don't think a lot of people dispute that. However, finding money always seems to be an issue.

Yet, as this bumper sticker pointed out (yes, apparently I am gaining insight into our political situation via bumper stickers) we can readily find billions in to fund the war in Iraq. To clarify, I support our troops and the cause of liberation (whether that's the only "cause" is up for debate in my mind) but am baffled at 1. how much we spend on defense and 2. how little makes it to our troops. (Driving around in unarmored vehicles??)

Some would argue that it's a matter of "national security" and "don't you want to protect the men and women fighting for freedom?" Yes I do. (See above.) I would respond with the question, "Isn't educating the future of America a critical need as well?"

I tell ya what. Bush is really starting to get on my bad side. The whole covering up evidence of global warming isn't helping matters either. Three years ago I wouldn't have thought I'd say this but I'm looking forward to a refresh in the White House.


  1. I have an idea that is completely unrelated to this post. You should make it so your readers can comment on the "what I am doing" section. For instance, right now I would really like to know who the person is whom you had to keep telling them it was their turn in Sorry. If it was Amy, you can't be too upset, that is how pregnancy goes, if it was anyone else, there is no excuse. =)

  2. That's a really good idea actually. I have no idea how I would do it. (The "What I'm Doing" section is a feed from Twitter.)

    But FYI: it wasn't Amy. :)
