Friday, September 21, 2007

NBC offering free episode downloads

OK. NBC pulled their content from iTunes. The world called them fools. But, were we all wrong? Did they have something better up their sleeves?

Unbelievable! They're going to allow people* to download** their shows for FREE***!

*Only Windows users
**All downloads will automatically be deleted after three weeks
***Episodes are embedded with advertising that cannot be skipped


  1. Haha!*

    *on your use of asterisks

    but seriously--that's better than paying through the nose for every episode. I'm sure we can figure out some way around the erasing thing too...oh yeah--our DVR. :)

  2. NBC*

    *Finally doing the same thing ABC has been doing for almost a year and a half. I suppose later is better than never.

  3. **** and the service will eventually require a paying subscription.

  4. But aren't ABC shows still available on iTunes?

  5. The real story here is that NBC doesn't have a clue how to operate a broadcasting company on anything other than advertising revenue.
