I'm not sure why I'd need to reseal my socks in their original packaging. To my knowledge they don't have a shelf life and don't need to remain fresh. In fact, we'd like the socks to be a little less fresh as, frankly, they reeked. Horribly. Like something that I can't name because I'm not sure what it is. All I know is that it smells bad and is probably ugly. Like this guy. Imagine the scent this little guy would put out when in heat. That's what my socks smelled like. But worse.
Anyhoo, the socks are OK. We've washed them a couple of times now and only a little stench remains. Unfortunately, it was enough for one of these little critters to find me and start trying to make more little critters with my foot. It was awkward. I'm looking forward to summer when I can stop wearing the romantic socks and sart wearing flip-flops.
Smelly animal pic from here.
Yeah so the little guy is really creepy looking but maybe he is sweet. I am sorry to hear that you having sock issues. There might be a trick to getting the "stink" out of them. Try adding 1 cup of vinegar(just the regular stuff) to the rinse cycle of your wash. You will find that the vinegar works well. It works for socks, towels and anything else that holds onto smells. Clorox for colors works well too, although vinegar is much cheaper and works just as well if not better. (=
ReplyDeleteSocks almost always come in a resealable bag. It's so you can take a pair out and check the size compared to your foot without breaking open the package. They didn't used to be resealable - I remember buying socks with my mom when I was little, and we would find the bag in the aisle (there was always at least one) that was already broken open and use that one to check sizing. The ziplock seal is less wastefull. But you're right, it is like a bag of salad.
ReplyDeleteNicola - He could very well be sweet but I still don't want him to be attracted to my footwear. ;)
ReplyDeletePeter - Interesting about the resealable standard. I wasn't aware of it. However, in this particular instance I had to cut the top of the bag off, negating such functionality.
I like to buy new socks, wear them, put them in the reusuable bags and then retrun them for a full refund. This system prevents my socks from stinkage, and is really cost effective.
ReplyDeleteYou're still waiting to break out the flip flops? tut tut.
ReplyDeleteMinty - in this case, the socks already stink so that wouldn't work. Although I simultaneously admire and am repulsed by your sock purchasing methods.
ReplyDeleteMatt - It snowed yesterday. Once it stops snowing for the summer I'll be more likely to break out the flops.
I just wanted you to have an even eight comments....and whatever that thing is in the picture i would rather look at than your un-socked raptor toe.
ReplyDeleteAn i think that i just made up un-socked....i am great...
Wow, no new blog posts for a whole week. I am thinking you must be really hung up about the sock thing. I know it was very traumatic for you, but I am betting you can get past it with another entry. Actually this is a selfish request, I am sick of looking a that disgusting little creature everytime I check your blog! =)