Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My new nickname

I home teach a family, the Whites. They're nice people and my wife and I have become pretty good friends with them. How good of friends are we? Good enough friends that we feel comfortable farting in front of each other without feeling the need to blame it on our kids. Enough said.

A while back, their son Cole (pictured here in all his majesty) decided that I was the home teacher with the teeth. This is an odd distinction to make since my home teaching companion isn't missing any teeth of which I'm aware. I was fine with the name because I'd rather be known as the home teacher with teeth than the home teacher without teeth.

But "home teacher with teeth" isn't my new nickname.

This past Sunday while I was over I asked Cole what my name was. I expected one of two answers: something about teeth, or Jake's dad. (For whatever reason he has no problem remembering my son's name.) What came out of his mouth shocked us all:






Come again?


There was no mistaking it. The kid was calling me Groin.

So the whole thing was a bit odd. But what has me more worried is that the name may have stuck. My wife answered the phone, "Yes, Groin?" when I called her a few days ago, and Cole called me Groin again tonight.

Despite its anatomical references, I'm sure "Groin" isn't the worst nickname ever. So I think I'm going to have a little contest: leave word in the comments about the worst nickname you've ever heard (you must have known the person who had it). I'll pick the top three or so for everyone to vote on. The person who submitted the worst nickname gets a prize. Seriously. I'm going to mail something to the winner. I'm not sure what it is yet, but I don't think it will be offensive.


  1. this is mildred (just to avoid any confusion with heidi's you might actually be related to)

    okay...i don't PERSONALLY know the person, but i share an office with a girl who was in his ward and went on a date with him. his name is Jay Taggart Terry, and he insisted that my friend call him what his dad had always called him: Gay Faggot Fairy

    i wish i were making this up!

  2. I think you know what mine is. Lets just say I know the person very well! =)

  3. I am actively trying to get my daughter to call my wife's brother "Uncle Grease." So far it hasn't stuck yet, though.

  4. Two of my very own nicknames in high school were Lardo and Lardbucket. It wasn't my idea either.

  5. Ha!! I am busting up over 2 things: the post and Heidi's comment. That one HAS to win!! Unfortunately I don't have anything hilarious to add.

  6. Hi Groin,

    If anyone has the misfortune to be given an undesirable moniker they should always remember this rule of thumb. Never let anyone know you don't like it. If they think you don't care it will usually die. If they think you hate it, it's usually permanent.

    Nickname withheld by request

  7. Beaner and Moogey...Given to me by two friends whose names are disclosed for safety reasons!

  8. Last call for entries. Worst nickname ever. Sound off now or forever hold your peace.
