Friday, June 6, 2008

New poll: tired of my anti-Hillary rants?

Check it out in the upper right corner of the site. Slake my curiosity. Vote, and leave your print on this site.

Note that you can vote for more than one.


  1. yeah i have to say....i'm not much of fan of the anti-rants. i don't like her by any means but good gosh man, what happened to the good ol'days when you would talk about apple, 1000 pound pigs getting shot by 12 year olds, and the french!!! If anyone deserves more anti-rants it has to be the french! I think the occasional anti blurb is fine, but it seems like that is all that you can write about lately! I could even understand the bashing more if she had a chance to win, but she has been mathematically out of the running for months! Time to get over it. :)

  2. The poll should have been yes, no, don't care. I'm a Barack supporter but I also think Hillary would be a great running mate.
    I would have voted don't care, since I think your Hillary rants are amusing and funny and she is fun to make fun of.

  3. Dave, I've got to go with the son on this one. He pretty well hit the nail on the head. Oh, and by the way is it true that Oregon is Part of Canada?
    Thanks, Doug

  4. To be honest, I am always feeling guilty that I don't care more about politics. I don't think I'd really care who the rants were about, there are just some dang funny photos and videos that you've found of Hilary. I say keep 'em coming. It's YOUR blog, so who cares what others think.

  5. In the end, all that matters is that barak is going to get elected and finish running this country in to the ground. Before we know it we'll be living in the socialist states of america and I will then move to what will soon be the republic of Texas for the uprising. ps i hate hillary too, the only thing i dislike more about barak is that he's even more liberal and i don't have any more money to give to the government.

  6. Dave-

    I don't mind a little Hillary fun. The lady drives me nuts, and the posts are usually funny, which is always good.

    But the real reason I'm commenting is to respond to Paul. This time around, I'll be voting for Obama. Unless he brings Hillary with him, in which case I'll be moving to Switzerland. Seriously.

    Obama's way smarter than that though (or at least his advisers are), so no worries.
