Friday, August 1, 2008

I hate this thing

I know I'm probably going to offend some people when I say this, so I half-heartedly apologize in advance.

I think this widget could be about the tackiest thing I've ever seen.

Honestly, what makes you think anyone wants to see a baby floating around in your virtual uterus, squiggly umbilical cord and all? I'm happy that you're having a kid. Really. Congratulations. That's wonderful news. I don't want a sneak peek. Thanks though.

So I decided to prove the ridiculousness of the widget by cramming 10 little fetuses in my virtual uterus (I never thought I would write those words) and watching them grow. Like sea monkeys. In a few months we'll see how my digital offspring fare in their crammed space.

Also, I hate blogs that play music automatically when the page loads.


  1. I can tolerate the baby things. People are allowed to get happy about having a baby. But I absolutely cannot abide websites that automatically play music. (MySpace, I'm looking at you.)

  2. HATE music on websites. I have my own music, thank you, I don't need to be subjected to your Rascal Flats or Toby Keith.

  3. I thought they were ants.

  4. Peter - I'm all for people being excited about having a kid. I certainly was. Who isn't? But a simple countdown timer would suffice.

    Whittney - Exactly. Especially when they don't put the player at the top of the page and you have to scroll down and look for it before you can shut it off.

    Minty - I guess if you squint...

  5. I totally agree with you! It's like making a widget of a nose that gives you the development of booger growth and a count down for the prime time to pick it.

  6. Okay, but if you want to see them grow, you have to embed the code into your website so the picture shows up and people can click on it and watch the dates change, etc.

  7. Erin - Check my right sidebar. It's there... in all its majesty.
