Friday, December 19, 2008

Hot girls rule the world

 "I realize you may have had some concerns before as to whether I should be given my way, but please, let me set your mind at ease about all that: I'm attractive. Matter resolved."- The Onion Editorial Page
In the ridiculously overplayed song, Are You Gonna Be My Girl, Jet states the immortal words, "You don't need money when you look like that, do you honey?"

Hot girls rule the world.

Years ago Rob, Ryan and I declared this to be true, and it still is today. Hot girls get whatever they want. Think about it. How many hot girls do you know who don't get whatever they want? Exactly.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a diaper to change and dishes to do.


  1. Agreed 100%, I read this article on The Onion and it was funny, but true. How many hot girls do you see that are homeless? How about have difficulty finding a job if they want one? How about actually need a job in the first place? That is what I thought!

  2. Ah, the memories form the Quote Board. We had some good times.

  3. Good points Michael.

    @Rob - Yes indeed. And if we train our kids properly, they'll be almost as cool a us when they grow up.
