Friday, January 2, 2009

The Bun is...

... still a mystery. They weren't able to determine the gender. Little The Bun was stubbornly curled up in a ball and wouldn't uncurl for anything.

I think I'm having a girl.


  1. oh no. That stinks.
    Are you going to do it again? That almost happened to us, but she uncurled at the last minute. I think they wanted to charge us $50 to come back just for the gender.

  2. We won't be able to go back and have insurance cover it unless there is something wrong, or potentially wrong, with the baby.

    I guess there's always Fetal Fotos in the mall, but I'm 99% sure it's a girl so I don't think I want to spend the money. :)d

  3. Bummer! I hope you're right!! I want you guys to have a girl.

  4. or all of your readers can organize a "Rathbun Fetus fund" and donate a couple dollars each to pay for the Fetal Fotos.
    I'm in for a $3.50 the excitement is killing me.

  5. haha! that's what happened to us with Abbie and we had to go to that Fetal Photo place, but I got it as a Christmas present. It's was $80 and it was a total surprise that we were having a girl. Steph's not finding out so that leaves me as the only one finding out. Cross your fingers we don't have a repeat of the first time.
