Saturday, December 29, 2007

New look. Whoopee.

Yeah. Got bored. I was trying for something a little less "Blogger-like". I don't know if I succeeded since, you know, I used one of their templates.


  1. It reminds me of Zune packaging.

  2. Hey, Steve, thanks for your comment. Really. It means a lot. Now maybe you should go back to playing with your Apple TV and cutting deals with bozos like AT&T.

  3. It looks great - SO original. But you have a mispelling in the header. And you know how much joy it gives me to find a spelling error in your writing! One gold star for me.

  4. I can't even escape Teri "Long Arm of the Law" Gibson when I'm on vacation! Dang you're good.

  5. howard...i have to admit...i'm not such a fan of the new look. i liked the old one a tad bit better :)

  6. Mildred, thank you for your honesty and forthrightness.
