Thursday, September 25, 2008

I received an interesting comment

Yesterday I received a new comment on a post I wrote back in December entitled, "If you could make a million dollars a year doing anything, what would it be?" In response to that question, a person named Gary left the following:

I would enjoy being a personal companion to anyone in need of having the company of someone who is selfless, highly intelligent, and close to the Source of all there is now, was or will ever be. The gifts I can bestow upon another far exceed what is anything commonly known by mankind, given the other person's ability to free their mind and open up to new realms of thought and being.

Gifts that far exceed anything commonly known by mankind? That sounds worthy of a sign-up sheet! So I put it to you, dear readers...who would like to sign up for Gary's companionship, should he ever start earning a seven-figure income? First come, first served. Leave word in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Being selfless for a million dollars... there's an oxymoron.

    Aside from that, it seems no coincidence that both Gary and God start with G.
