Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A petition

Just last week it was in the mid-80's (nice summer temps, but entirely too warm for October). In Utah it seems like we have about six months of winter, four months of summer, six weeks of spring and about two weeks of Fall.

I consider this a travesty, as Fall is my favorite season.

So I am starting an online petition to have Fall last longer. Tell your friends.

When I get enough signatures I'm going to send the petition to President Bush because, as it appears, he is solely responsible for everything wrong in the world.

So leave a comment about why you love Fall and we'll get this crazy world we live in set straight.

Image courtesy of here.


  1. I will gladly sign your petition. I love Fall so much that I have planned my wedding around it. That's right, I'm getting married November 1st! Now hand me a pen!

  2. I love fall too. That's why I went up the canyon for two weekends in a row and took a hundred pictures.

  3. I love fall because:

    You can wear a hoodie and flip flops.

    Candy Corn.

    Butternut Squash.

    Sweet potatoes.


  4. Is there enough room on the internet to write why I love Fall? Possibly. I'll just name a few.

    * Sweaters
    * Pumpkin Spice scented anything
    * Cinammon scented anything
    * Comfort food
    * Colorful leaves
    * The smell in the air
    * Knowing that Thanksgiving & Christmas are near
    * The cooler weather
    * The "fresh start" feeling
    * Egg nog (light, mixed with sprite)

  5. p.s. I can't believe you only have 8 days until all 10 of your babies are born!

  6. That should say 84 days.

  7. I love fall because of the wonderful ragweed that greets me as I leave my door each day which makes my eyes swell and my nose run like a faucet that was left running over night. Aside from that, I love the cooler weather and the leaves changing colors. =)

    PS Is it just me, or have the babies not gotten any bigger since this little experiment started? Just an observation.

  8. Thanks everyone for signing my petition! Just 9,993 more signatures to go!

    Michael - Yes, I think the feti have stopped growing. I wonder if my virtual womb is busted.

  9. President Bush should be tried for seasonal crimes.

    Did you know that he has close family ties to the Saudi Royal Family who makes a fortune of home heating oil? And did you know that George H W Bush (W's father) once stated that he hated the Fall and "wish[ed] it only lasted two weeks and no more?" Clearly, Utah's short Fall is evidence of the fact that W is seeking to avenge his father's displeasure with the transitional season.

    If there is unjustice to be found, surely Mr. Bush can be found behind the conductor's pulpit—for where there's a will, there's a way.

  10. I would like to retract my complaining about Fall, apparently those who have power to change the seasons heard my complaining and decided to bless me with 4+ inches of snow on the ground this morning. Can I have fall back now?

  11. Yeah, I was thinking about this this morning actually. I was thinking about whether I am for or against winter, and I decided against.

    I am decidedly in favor of fall, though.

  12. I love the Fall because:

    The crunch of the leaves under your feet

    The smell of people finally starting to use their fire places

    breaking out my "pre" winter clothes and my favorite flannel pj

    the overall crispness in the air!

    I would actually like to have Fall all year round! :)
