Thursday, July 19, 2007

I must be getting old, part 1

According to this CNET article, up-and-coming teen web entrepreneurs are essentially saying e-mail is only used by "corporations and old people". Social networking sites are the wave of the future as far as online communications go.

I must be getting old.

I get the whole social networking thing with meeting friends through other friends online. Great. No problem. The part I've never understood was the public messaging on MySpace and Facebook. I don't see the benefit. Why NOT e-mail?

I absolutely refuse to get a MySpace page for a number of reasons, first and foremost being that they're uglier than sin. As far as other social networking sites, I guess I'm just not that interested in meeting random friends of friends on the Internet. I'm married, have a kid, and already feel like I don't have enough time to do everything I want to do. Why would I spend time on sites like that hoping to meet new people?

Time to soak my dentures and apply a fresh coat of Just For Men - I think I see a gray hair.


  1. I can see how melding instant messenger and email together (like Gmail does) is useful. But social networking message systems are usually a step backwards. They're like a combination of email and a message board, which is older technology. I find them inconvenient to use. I think the future of email will be dictated by what works best across multiple platforms -- Windows/Linux/Mac and desktop/mobile. If I'm right, social networking sites will have to shape up in order to stay relevant.

  2. I'd like to think you're right.

  3. This article is insane. What will things be like when our little ones are grown? I almost don't want to think about it.

  4. I dunno, but I honestly thought I'd keep up with tech trends like I try to now (for the most part). But if social networking is the wave of the future, I think I'll pass.
