Chuck, in particular, is said to not be returning until Fall. @!#$$@#! Chuck is the ultimate show for geeks and wanna-be-geeks, such as myself. Brilliant little references to stuff only a geek would know and love (like a mention of "backseat perking" while playing COD4) make this show one of my favorites.
While Chuck my have the summer off, reports are saying that The Office has a script or two almost complete which means it may be coming back sooner than others. Same with 30 Rock. Nice.
In other news, some friends of ours forced us, under duress, to watch the Lost pilot this weekend. Maybe it was the fact that it's been built up so much, or maybe it was that I'd heard enough tid-bits here and there to spoil it was good. Not addictive good, but good. I know Matt will be thrilled to hear I watched it but gnashing his teeth in unholy rage that I didn't instantly become a believer.
In other-other news, I'm quickly approaching my 500th post for The Other Drummer (this is post no. 494). Yay me. My sister in-law said she wants to throw a very exclusive party in honor of the event, but since she's in Idaho at school I'm doubtful it will happen, although I appreciate the sentiment. To that end, gifts and cash donations are always welcome. (I don't yet have a PayPal account, but if you wanted to give me money I'd set one up.)
Jumping back a topic or two, which shows are you most excited to see back on the air? Leave word in the comments.
Chuck image from here.
Resist all temptations to fall into the Lost trap! I watched it for 3 seasons and then realized it was like watching a soap opera, really nothing major had happened and I had spent many hours of my valuable time waiting for it to happen. While I will miss Chuck until the Fall, I am happy to hear The Office will be back soon, I did hear they are only going to have about 6 episodes before the season ends though. Should they really get a summer break when they all just had 4 months off? I don't think so! Anyway, I am most excited to see The Office.
ReplyDeleteThrilled? More like slightly amused. On par with the feeling I get when I open a new package of post-in-notes. Gnashing of teeth in unholy rage? Not so much. Mostly because "instant believers" are more typically referred to as flip-floppers, changing their likes and dislikes so quickly.
ReplyDeleteDave, deep down inside I know there is a part of you that longs to join the ongoing LOST water cooler conversations taking place all around you. Even if you won't admit it. It may be the same part of you that secretly yearns to perform magic while dancing to the 80's hit song, "the final countdown."
Maybe consider that this is a sign that you should move away from watching Chuck or Arrested Development episodes at lunch, and enjoy the uplifting and wholesome violence of LOST.
if i didn't already know you were friends with raelynn, i would have guessed it from "blast and wretch."
ReplyDeletealso, i just realized that i randomly started commenting on this blog a while back without even really thinking about the fact that it's probably not as "public" as your livsimpl blog, which makes it quite obvious that i blog-stalk from raelynn's links. awesome.
ReplyDeleteI'm most excited for arrested development to come back from hiatus. wait... crap... that isn't going to happen.
ReplyDeleteI was somewhat looking forward to 24 to start last month. They've already got like 1/3 of the season filmed so i hope they can get that one going within a few weeks, especially now that Keifer is out of the clink.
I'm glad the strike is (looking like it's) over. If it went on much longer some of the shows could lose their audience. The Office could have had its demise as untimely and abruptly as Arrested Development.
We're looking forward to seeing Pushing Daisies again. It was clever and funny, and we hoped it would survive the strike.
ReplyDeleteThanks much for the comments.
ReplyDeleteSteph - thank you for stalking me.
James - There may be a movie coming out...keep your fingers crossed.
Peter - I've heard good things about the show, but have only ever seen one episode.
I'm sad to say that Michael is wrong on this. Dead wrong. LOST FOREVER!! Oh yeah--you hate us.
ReplyDeleteDon't say "blast and wretch" it's slang.
ReplyDeleteSo my question is, does Dave have any clue which book/movie Amy is quoting in her post? Given that he'd probably place it in his "bonnet movie" category, my guess is no. Though he's surprised me before. That said, I too will miss Chuck, look forward to the Office, and avoid getting back into Lost.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Dave- 4 years ago today you dropped my cheesecake. I still haven't forgiven you.:)
Rob. Please. "What is Little Women?" is the answer you're looking for. Honestly Rob, I wasn't raised in a barn.
ReplyDeleteBlast! Foiled again! I am impressed. Well done, laddy. However, this doesn't change the fact that you still owe me a cheesecake. :)