Monday, February 25, 2008

Firefox memory leak: using 1 GB+ RAM to surf the web

This screen shot was taken today from my Core 2 Duo iMac with 2 gigs of RAM:

Yes, you're seeing that correctly. It's Firefox using over a half the available memory on my machine. *sigh* I really can't wait for the final release of Firefox 3.


  1. What program are you using to pull that info?

    I totally want it.

  2. It's called Activity Monitor and it's part of OS X. It's in the Utilities folder.

  3. Ditto on waiting for Firefox 3. I hear good things about it. I also heard that the new Safari is even more efficient, although if you're a plug-in fanatic like me, you probably will just stick with Firefox.

  4. Peter - Have you tried the Firefox 3 beta 3 download? DANG. Very fast. Most of the add-ons don't work (yet) but it's pretty darn stable and very, very speedy.

    Safari is about as fast as the Firefox 3 beta (and launches much faster too, I might add). But, like you said, no add-ons and Google Browser sync is a deal-killer for me since I regularly use three different computers.

    I've heard the webkit version of Safari is even faster.

    And then there's IE7. *snort*

  5. FF plugins are so last year.

  6. Yikes! They should really work on that!

  7. Carlos - I definitely wouldn't put it past them.
