Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The Second Format War has ended (the first being Beta v. VHS) with Blu-Ray coming off victorious. Toshiba, the main backer of the losing format, has bowed its head and backed out of the race after having lost millions in product development, promotion and advertising. (Hopefully Hillary will do the same.)

I was rooting for Blu-Ray if for no other reason than I like the name a lot better. "HD-DVD" is just too clunky to say.

I don't imagine this is going to drive a lot of new Blu-Ray sales. Of course, those waiting out the battle will be able to go out with the knowledge their purchase won't be for naught. Granted, they're sill paying a premium $300+ for the player and $30+ for each movie. Not something I'm ready to do. I'll wait until you can get players for less than a hundred and the movies come down to current DVD prices.

Of course, I will need an HD TV first. Hmmmmm.

P.S. This is post 499!

Thanks to Tombstone Generator for the pic.


  1. Even with an HDTV I don't believe I will be running out and buying a blu-ray player any time soon. The DVD quality is still incredibly good, and unless they make the prices of Blu-ray discs virtually identical to those of DVD's I wont be purchasing them any time soon. Oh yeah, I am definetly going to need a combo DVD and Blu-ray player to make it worth it too. There is no way I am going to replace all of my current DVD's.

  2. 499! That's awesome. Don't screw up the 500th post okay :)

  3. I noticed that you are at 499 too. If I could figure out how to premept your next post would I win a prize? Amy, send me David's password again, I think I lost it.

  4. 499? Kids.

    I'm still in the don't want to deal with any type of removable disc camp. I think the AppleTV would be a better option (and cheaper) if you didn't have to buy a new TV to use it.
