Friday, February 22, 2008

Hillary plagarizes part of her debate after bashing Obama for the same thing [Video]

Tsk, tsk Hillary. First Hillary calls out Obama for reusing part of a speech that was originally given by a friend of his. The lines were used with permission (and as a suggestion) by said friend. For me, a near non-issue: he should have credited the source.

Here's a video from last night's debate of Hillary using some lines from a John Edwards speech. Bad form Hillary!

It's amazing how much I can't stand this woman.

Original story here.


  1. Color me unimpressed. In a primary race where the candidates have very few ideological differences, you hear a lot of the same lines over and over. Nothing said by either Obama and Clinton in this campaign is truly original. Let's face it -- there are only so many ways to say things, and they're all trying to say the same type of thing to sound good to their constituents. Before the Republican primary cooled down, you had five or six candidates falling over themselves trying to sound more like Ronald Reagan than the other candidates. I heard plenty of Reagan rip-off lines, but that's the way it works. Politics is a process of taking other people's ideas and claiming them as your own. I don't hold it against either Clinton or Obama for picking up a few good lines from other people.

  2. Peter,

    I think you missed the point. Everyone knows that politicians spout the same lines over and over again and that every Republican wishes he were the love child of the gipper. But the difference is that Camp Hillary was quick to accuse Obama of plagiarism when all he did was do what you just mentioned.

    Someone should remind her of the phrase "Don't throw stones unless you're perfect."

  3. Yes, but does she stand for change?

  4. I assure you, Matt, I did not miss the point at all. I'll also point out that Clinton's "we'll be okay" line is pretty general, so I'm not impressed if another candidate used it before. On the other hand, Obama's use of Deval Patrick's old campaign speeches were significant, verbatim, and unattributed. Patrick reportedly gave Obama permission to use the speeches, but Obama has admitted that he probably should have given Patrick a nod when he used the lines. Everyone is making a big deal out of Clinton being a hypocrite. I just don't think what she did was that bad. It's politics. It's mudslinging. I think they're both wrong, but they're still going to be fighting until someone runs out of money.

  5. Flame on! I love a good debate. :)

    Oh yeah. And from the sound of things Hillary is going to be the one running out of money.

  6. Peter,

    My apologizes. It looks as though you have it all worked out.
