Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Interesting poll results (should I drop The Other Drummer name?)

While I figured most people would tell me to get a Facebook account, I'm very surprised that 81 percent of people want me to keep The Other Drummer instead of using my real name as the URL. Would you be so kind as to enlighten me as to why you voted the way you did? Please let me know in the comments - I'm extremely curious.


  1. I say stick with The Other Drummer. It's fun and semi-clever. I wouldn't mind if you blogged under your own name, but the name as a URL thing is kinda boring. Plus, to be honest, you never know what employer or other person/agency my stumble across your blog. That can be risky sometimes.

  2. I like the Other Drummer because it's clever. Dangit Peter for stealing what I was going to say. It's different--and it's so you. You're special David.

  3. @Peter - Thank you for thinking it's semi-clever. :)

    @Raelynn - "Special" as in I still put my shoes on the wrong feet?
