Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today's the day. Or, if you voted early, the last two weeks have been the day. I already didn't vote for Obama or McCain and the whole experience only took 30 minutes. Not too shabby at all. In fact, early reports today say that lines are moving quickly - about 45 minutes from getting in line to leaving the polls.

I share these sentiments from Sarah:
...The poll worker may not even ask you for an ID [seriously disturbing...seriously], the amendments may sound like they were written by a 5th grader with a thesaurus but no dictionary, and you may not even be entirely 100% certain which is the lesser of two evils…but the democratic process–and the promise it holds– is still worth celebrating, worth defending, worth participating in.

Plus, you could probably eat for free all day with the rewards Starbuck’s, Krispy Kreme, Chipotle, Chick-Fil-A and Ben & Jerry’s are offering for that little red “I voted” sticker.
So get out there and vote. And if you have any last minute questions, they can most likely be answered at LeaveYourPrint.com (voting location, candidates and issues on your ballot, etc.) And I've added a poll about the polls in the upper right corner. So cast your vote again up there and then tell me why in the comments below.


  1. I like Obama because of his health care plan and because he is more charismatic. I think more people will be willing to follow him from both parties. I would have liked McCain better based on the abortion issue, but I think Roe v. Wade will still not get overturned even if he is elected, so what's the point. Also, Obama does not support same-sex marriage, so that was another plus.

  2. ps Obama's first name is spelled with a 'c' Barack.

  3. @Julie - Thanks for catching the type-o.

    FYI - According to Obama's website he does support gay marriage - he voted against banning same-sex marriage.

    From what I've heard about his health care plan, I think it borders on socialistic and I'm against it.

  4. The reason I like Obama's health care plan is that I have a brother who isn't able to go on a mission because he can't get health insurance. He will be dropped from my parent's plan if he goes on a mission and the LDS Church insurance will not cover his pre-existing condition. Also Rob's brother has been denied health insurance by four separate companies because of his pre-existing condition. I think health insurance should be available to everyone, independent of your job or illness.
    I think I'd also be ok with McCain as president. I was really undecided for a long time. Congrats on the baby news btw :)

  5. I absolutely agree that there needs to be health care reform, but I don't like Obama's way of going about it.

  6. Sorry I keep leaving comments. I hope you don't mind. Here's the transcript of the VP debate
    "IFILL: Let's try to avoid nuance, Senator. Do you support gay marriage?

    BIDEN: No. Barack Obama nor I support redefining from a civil side what constitutes marriage. We do not support that. That is basically the decision to be able to be able to be left to faiths and people who practice their faiths the determination what you call it.

    The bottom line though is, and I'm glad to hear the governor [Palin], I take her at her word, obviously, that she think there should be no civil rights distinction, none whatsoever, between a committed gay couple and a committed heterosexual couple. If that's the case, we really don't have a difference."
    -----So it sounds to me like Obama would not support a constitutional ammendment to redefine marriage. That's what I meant.

  7. I don't mind your comments at all. It's a good discussion.

    I do believe Obama would support a constitutional amendment redefining marriage based on a PDF from Obama's website (http://pride.barackobama.com/page/content/lgbthome):

    "Obama Voted Against a Federal Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage"

 Defense of Marriage Act"

