Monday, November 17, 2008

MotrinMoms? I don't get it.

The blogosphere is all up in arms over the above TV spot for Motrin and it's currently the #1 thing being discussed on Twitter. Now referred to as "MotrinGate" by some, Motrin has officially removed the video from their site and posted an apology note right smack-dab on their homepage (which apparently works best when viewed with Netscape?).

Want to see some of the scathing reviews floating around Twitter? This person has made a NINE MINUTE montage of the criticism (obviously, there's a lot of it).

From an advertising perspective/social media case study, here are a few additional comments:

MCP85: Motrin - classic example of how social media can kill you in a hurry when you screw up!

ChristySeason: #motrinmoms is an excellent case study to help sell the importance of monitoring your brand via social media
EllanNews: How’s that for instantaneous feedback on your marketing efforts? Take a deep breath and feel your power, people!
jodifur: the motrin debacle got picked up in the washington post #motrinmom

However, one company's pain is another company's opportunity: baby carrier brand Ellaroo is offering 10% off their carriers if you enter the coupon code "motrin".

As I read through the Tweets and blogs about the subject, people are very clear as to the fact that they're upset, but not as to why they're upset. As a calloused, insensitive man I don't understand the reason for the mommy-rage. Would you be so kind as to enlighten me by leaving a comment?


  1. I'm just offended that so much importance, attention and rage are being unleashed on something so stupid and insignificant. But maybe I'm just too busy trying to figure out how to afford to keep my family insured and hoping I don't get laid off to be bothered by yet another lame commercial that most of the viewing public probably would've fast-forwarded over and never seen in the first place if not for all of the mommy-rage directed at it.

  2. First reason is, they imply that it's being done mainly for reasons of "fashion" or "looking like an official mom". I think that's condescending and shows that they are out of touch with why people do this.

    The other reason is, they imply that it's way too hard for the average woman to do. This could serve to dissuade future mothers, etc. from being in favor of babywearing, based on misinformation.

    My wive loves carrying our 11 month old son in her front or back carrier. It doesn't ever cause her to cry, or seem crazy, as implied by the ad.

    I'm not terribly offended by the ad. I think it's kind of mindless and out-of-touch, and I am concerned about the harm it would do to people's impressions of babywearing ("it's too hard, i saw it on tv, it will make me cry and crazy and it'll be so bad I'll need pills.")

  3. I don't think Motrin meant any harm. Wearing your baby probably hurts your back. All they are saying is, take some medicine. What is the problem with that?

  4. and I wear my baby pretty often.

  5. *shrug* I thought it was amusing myself.

  6. The only thing I could find after watching it was that at one point they do refer to the baby as a "thing" I believe the exact quote was "that thing is heavy". Referring to a human being as an inanimate object can be offensive to some.

    In my opinion, just another demonstration about how society is way too sensitive these days and needs to get over the feeling that they have the right to launch all out complaint wars against companies that do something that a small majority of the people disagree with and thus find offensive. Sorry to rant, just my opinion!

  7. I think people were offended because it implies that "official moms" are "tired and crazy." I personally wasn't offended and I carry my baby in a carrier all the time, but I agree it definately is out of touch with how people feel about the whole issue.

  8. Thanks for the comments people. You make my world go 'round.
