Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A space just for you

I could probably spend an entire day looking through people's pictures on Flickr. Not the snapshot, "it was the greatest party in the world" pictures, but those of people who actually know what they're doing with the camera. (If you're interested in becoming addicted yourself, check out Flickr's Explore page and just keep hitting "reload".)

When I see a picture I like I'll usually click over to see other pictures from the same photographer. That's how I found the above shot. From a technical aspect, I'm guessing it's not the greatest photograph in the world. However, as soon as I saw it I thought, "What would I do with this space?

A loft in the city that's all your own - you don't have to share with anyone. It's your personal retreat. What would you put in there? It's a blank canvas and you can make it become anything you want. What would it be?

For example, maybe you love cooking so you would put a nice kitchen with great appliances and lots of counter space. Maybe you have a passion for dancing so you'd install a nice sound system and use the space as a dancefloor. Maybe you're an artist and it would become your studio. Leave word in the comments.


  1. I would make it my own personal Barnes & Noble w/o the coffee. Huge, overstuffed chairs with ottomans, reading lamps, lots of bookshelves filled with great books, a cafe loaded with sandwiches, fruit and drinks, purified water and soft cookies. No children under the age of 8 would be allowed in. Wow, I'm really loving this idea...

  2. Oh yeah, and fruit smoothies. Duh rae.

  3. Looks like a sweet rollerskating rink to me, just add a disco ball and you are set!

  4. I'm with RaeLynn on the personal library. Except I'd allow children under 8, I'd add a nice long, cushy window seat, and my cafe would have to be loaded with Red Vines Jumbo Red Twists.

  5. You hate me, Steph. Kids ruin everything. *Waiting for lightning*

  6. @Michael - so if you could turn it into anything, you'd turn it into a roller skating rink?

    @RaeLynn & Stephanie - take it outside you two.

  7. no, that just seemed like the simplist solution. If I could do anything I would probably fill it with gold bars and a nice security system!
