Monday, November 17, 2008

Online journals vs. blogs

"I've never really found the time to blog, so to sepak. For me blogging isn't about sitting down on a regular basis and dreaming up something to say. It's more about indignation, frustration, pride and beliefs." - Bob Lutz, General Motors

The above quote came from The Corporate Blogging Book by Debbie Weil, a book I'm reading it as part of an assignment for work. So far, I like it much more than the book I had to read last quarter, Testing Advertising Methods by John Caples. That one made me want to shoot myself in the face. But I digress.

I like what Mr. Lutz (great last name) had to say about blogging, and I believe to a certain extent it defines what makes a good blog. Are you reciting the events of the day or week? Or are you writing about things you have a passion about? Sure, online journals are fine and have their place and serve as a way for people to keep up-to-date on what you're up to.  But I think a distinction could be made between online journals and blogs, with blogs being outlets for "indignation, frustration, pride and beliefs".

Am I overanalyzing this? What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments.


  1. There definitely should be a distinction—especially when you get into the scrapbooking and wedding/baby stuff.

    They have their place and there are some I check regularly, but i think parenting/oh-so-happily married blogs should really be called online journals.

  2. (That's kind of awesome that the lady whose book you're reading commented.)

    You know, I think it's interesting that blogs can be classified so easily. There are the blogs (or online journals) with all of the pictures and we went on vacation and isn't Johnny so cute. Or there are the ones that are technical or news, etc.

    I think that there are even more specific distinctions, though. Like, for example, I had a blog years ago, and it didn't have much substance. When I go back and read it, a bunch of the posts are like "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I BLOGGED. I need to do better. Gotta run!" or "A - I like apples better than apricots. B - bears are WAY cooler than bats. C - TOTAL cat person. D -", etc. I never really said much of anything that meant anything.

    And now, I think my blog is mostly just stuff. And occasionally it's online journaly, but not really. But I don't think the stuff I blog about is really "indignation [or] frustration", and only occasionally it's "pride and beliefs". So where does that leave me?

    [verification word is jokeplu.]
