Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Beatles coming to iTunes? So what?

This article cites two important things pertaining to the Fab Five signing on with iTunes.

1. They just settled a dispute with their label, EMI, which is supposedly the last hurdle to them making the jump to the online realm of music distribution.

2. Who cares? Does anyone not have a Beatles album who wants one? Are The Beatles going to get a larger fan base because someone perusing the iTunes Store might say, "Huh. I've always heard of The Beatles and now that I can buy their songs for a buck each, I might give them a try"?

The Beatles on iTunes? Whoop-de-freakin'-do.


  1. Actually I might purchase some tracks, I have a best of white album, but that all. I'm not about to purchase another cd, at least a cd of the beatles, but I will purchase aac's.

  2. I got an iTunes gift card for my birthday. I've been saving it for when the Beatles finally sign on with iTunes.

    Yeah, dude. The Beatles still matter and them coming onto iTunes is a huge coup for Steve Jobs.

  3. @ Hugh: If I want an entire album I'm currently leaning toward buying CDs over iTunes. Of course, buying individual tracks is a different story.

    @Laura: I certainly wasn't knocking The Beatles. But I think hard-core Beatles fans 1. already own everything and 2. wouldn't want to buy a "low quality" recording. (Granted, they could spend more and get the higher quality track, but then why not just buy the album?) It would definitely be a big deal for Stevie J...what better way to flex your muscles with the music industry than to sign on the biggest band ever?
