Monday, May 19, 2008

"But the ads made it look so cool!"

I'm doing a little research for a commercial we're shooting on Thursday that involves a bunch of sci-fi nerds standing in a line waiting for the premier of their new movie. (Although the commercial has nothing to do with sci-fi nor movies.)

As I tweaked the script, I remembered the red guards from the original Star Wars Trilogy (I think they were first seen in Empire Strikes Back). Wanting to learn a little more about them, I jumped on Wikipedia. From the 'pedia:

[Imperial Royal Guardsman] are the best and most loyal of the Imperial stormtroopers, solely responsible to Palpatine.... A mere 4% of all trainees would survive the rigors that awaited them to become Royal Guards; during a year-long training program, recruits sparred against each other continuously perfecting their combat skills. ...In their final test, each fought his training partner to the death...

Seriously impressive, right? And then there's this guy who's in charge of guarding the Palpatine's 10-speed:

The Emporer can be such a jerk sometimes.

Image courtesy of here.


  1. Hi Dave,
    I noticed that Palpatine's bike is pink. Does that mean anything?
    Just Curious, Doug

  2. Also, I looked closely at the refelected image of 3 other people in the windows. Please comment on that too.

  3. As a self-proclaimed sci-fi nerd myself, where can I sign up to be an extra in the commercial?! You wouldn't even have to pay me- just let me have that Imperial Guard uniform!!! :)

  4. Doug - Palpatine's bike is the red ten speed, not the pink one. The people you see in the window are interested in the pink bike, but aren't sure which one the Imperial Guard is guarding, so they're keeping their distance because they don't want to die.

    Rob - Thursday. Salt Lake. Come on over and I'll buy you lunch.
