Tuesday, May 6, 2008

See? I told you I was alive.

OK. So here's the story: work. Actually, I'm not sure why the *&%# I haven't been writing as much lately. Work has definitely been more insane than usual. And by "usual" I mean "than it was last October." Yes, work has been taking its toll and my brain has been mush. And Brain Mush is not conducive to writing.

Honestly, Call of Duty 4 has been my "decompression" activity lately. Yes, sniping terrorists not only is good for world peace but it's much more mindless than writing. Also, writing isn't a spectator sport - to really dig into something I need to shut out everything else and focus. However, my wife will watch me play COD4 and be a second set of eyes which has me promoted to rank of First Lieutenant II. I now have a sweet new assault rife with a red dot scope. Thank you honey!

I'm also getting old and fat, which means getting to the gym is much more important which means getting up early which means getting to bed early which means less blogging. Curse my love handles!! Curse them!

OK. Lunch break is over. Back to the grindstone.


  1. What??? Doth mine eyes decieve me? Is this an actual blog with real words and everything? Wow, I must say I am impressed! =)Oh yeah and shame on you for playing so much COD4 and not calling me!

  2. Life is what happens while were making other plans. I saw you today and you didn't look so tubby. In fact you look like one of those tall, fat skinny guys (what ever that means. Somebody told me that I looked like that once. That was several years ago and I'm still trying to figure out what that means. I think it was a compliment.) Congrats on the red dot scope. It's got a laser you know.


    Captcha = buzjikl. Coincidence? I think not.

  3. Michael - Sorry my friend. Like I said, I'm using it as time to zone out. Next time I play to really play I'll give you a call.

    Minty - Thanks for the weird compliment.
