"Jamison, who killed his first deer at age 5, was hunting with father Mike Stone and two guides in east Alabama on May 3 when he bagged Monster Pig. He said he shot the huge animal eight times with a .50-caliber revolver and chased it for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot."
Who takes their FIVE YEAR OLD hunting?? And what kindergartner shoots a deer?? Did he bring the mounted head into show and tell?

"I shot this here deer this weekend with my 30.06," he says as he spits tobacco into an empty beer can. "I wanted to use the scope, but my pa said scopes are for sissies and Yanks, so I done did it without."
Sad thing is, in Alabama he'd probably get extra credit for it. (Not for bringing the deer head in, but for shooting it without a scope.)
Isn't there some law that says you have to be at least a teenager before you wield a gun that can kill a 1,000 pound boar? Apparently not in the South.
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Yeah, we can see it too. Your sitting in your (sterilized) "Ivory Tower" at your (sterilized) computer, placing judgement on any one you see following natures laws and ignoring the fact that we live in an existence of danger. If you actually had the audacity to reproduce, (God help us), your offspring would probably be smoking crack on the street corner at 5 years old. In your comments you eluded to some experience with weapons, however I'll bet nobody explained to you that you should match your weapon to your quarry. There is nothing worse than ignorance in action, had the young man in question used a smaller caliber weapon and shot at a 1000 pound boar the animal could have charged him and killed him just as easily. I personally would not use any thing less than my 45/70 with 400 grain bullets, but thats only because I cant run fast. Oh and whats with the references to the south? Do you really think that every-one there is stupid or something? At least eleven year olds in Alabama have better things to do than smoke crack and listen to cRAP music.
ReplyDeleteWow. Quite the comment for someone who wouldn't leave their name.
ReplyDeleteIn rebuttal:
"Yeah, we can see it too. Your sitting in your (sterilized) "Ivory Tower" at your (sterilized) computer..." - I appreciate the fact that you think I'm so clean, but in reality I haven't showered yet today.
"...we live in an existence of danger." - The kid was on a game reserve. Any danger be may have been in was of his (or his parent's) own choosing.
"...I'll bet nobody explained to you that you should match your weapon to your quarry." - I don't have a problem with the size of the weapon relative to the "quarry". I was taking issue with the size of the weapon relative to the one using it.
"Oh and whats with the references to the south? Do you really think that every-one there is stupid or something?" - Grammatical errors aside, no, I do not think everyone from the South is stupid. I just thought this was a humorous example of a Southern stereotype. I'm sorry you chose to take offense to it.
Dear Anonymous Steel Worker.
ReplyDeleteNo one is attacking guns. That said, let me fire back with some friendly banter.
You reference to crack on two occasions with intent to insult, leads me to wonder if your repetition of the topic isn't perhaps a sign of a possible addiction. please get help because...hey, crack kills.
Further evidence of this addiction comes when we see what we in the soft sciences call "back woods talk." This is a condition when addicts often end their sentences with the phrase "or something." an example of this would be "You shouldn't date your sister, or something"
And in conclusion (that means I'm almost done) the least you can do is sign your name.
Thank you Matt and Dave,
ReplyDeleteI would like to ask Mr. Anonymous why, if his perception of people in sterile "Ivory Towers" using sterilized computers would have anything to do with crack? Wouldn't we be O.C.(that's obsessive-compulsive) enough to restrain our children from street corners, or mingle with the likes of people who distribute crack? I mean, since we sterilize our computers and towers, I can't see how you make that link.
As you may know, but likely not, reproduction is not a result of any level of audacity, in fact, that may be why your God made it a biological result of biological instincts. And by your account, your father must have been quite audacious himself.
Perhaps it comes from living in an "existence of danger". Please explain how a child of 11, in a "dangerous" situation that his own father paid to be guided into, and had the opportunity and the lack of expertise (despite hunting since 5) to shoot this creature 8 times, chase it for three hours, and then fire a point-blank shot (to end it's life cleanly and quickly??), is justifiable as a necessary part of his "dangerous existence"?
There is nothing worse than alluding to general ignorance by using words you don't know the definition of...thus, making your references elusive.
~ e·lu·sive – adjective 1. eluding clear perception or complete mental grasp; hard to express or define: an elusive concept.
In conclusion, are you not falling into the very same rationale of stereotyping as the very populous you are accusing? More so, since I don't think you could genuinely and successfully argue your way out of a sack, without relying on your God helping you, your upbringing in the "wild" south, or your gun. Certainly not with your vast intellect and complete lack of ignorance. Since there are obviously reasons you don't run fast and need a heavy hitting gauge, may I suggest some crack? Backed up by rap music, you can run at speeds you never knew were possible, I am sure!
Stay safe out there!
Why the digs on Alabama, Dave? Kassidy was born and raised there, and she's no intellectual light-weight. In fact, she may have more advanced degree holders in her family than mine. And the lines about the wife beater and the tobacco? Tsk, tsk.
ReplyDeleteI confess, I find the idea of taking a kindergartener hunting to be somewhat disturbing. Five-year-olds don't always think through the consequences of their actions. Then again, this kid apparently can handle firearms pretty well -- he'd probably be safer with a gun than me.
Jennifer - Thanks for the comment!
ReplyDeletePeter - As I clarified in my response to Mr. Anonymous, I certainly don't think everyone from the South is stupid (especially not Kassidy).
The whole idea of someone in the South taking their five year-old hunting fit so perfectly into the "Southern stereotype" (it just so happened that the particular state mentioned was Alabama), the opportunity to poke a little fun was just too tempting to pass up.
The saga continues... "Fred" was a farm-raised hog.
ReplyDeleteI believe it to be ridiculous that you would actually think that this kid is in some way a white trash southern boy. These kinds of preserves that he was hunting on cost thousands of dollars to hunt on. Therefore his family must be doing something right. I'm from the north and I believe the outdoors are one of the best places you could take a child because uptight hippy liberal idiots are going to have the wilderness turned into strip malls and condominiums.
Zach - Am I correct in assuming you're the author of the previous anonymous post?
ReplyDeleteIn response to your comments...
Money in no way an indication of "white trash", nor did I imply that in my post. White trash is an attitude/mentality, not an economic status.
I too am from the North (Oregon, in fact), although I am a bit confused at your statement. Isn't "uptight liberal hippy" a bit of an oxymoron? Also, as I understand it, Republicans tend to be more prone to developing wilderness areas and hippy liberals tend to be more environmentally savvy.
Nobody mentioned that this 11yr. old is chewing tobacco?