Monday, May 14, 2007

My Xbox 360 crapped out on me

Yes, another expensive piece of my electronic equipment has bit the dust. What's with my luck? (Or lack thereof.)

The screen kept freezing and the Three Red Lights of Death would pop up occasionally. I called tech support and spoke to a nice person with a thick accent who did a very good job of reading from a screen. She walked me through some troubleshooting steps and determined I had a "hardware malfunction".

The good news is that repairs are covered (under their recently extended warranty) and they'll even pay for shipping both ways. So far, my experience with Microsoft's customer service has been better than with Apple's.

The bad news is that I'm going to be without my xbox during the two or three weeks of vacation I'm going to be taking once The Bun arrives.

Maybe Costco will take it back.


  1. "So far, my experience with Microsoft's customer service has been better than with Apple's."

    This is a historic quote that should never be forgotten! A life changing moment in the life of Dave.

  2. Not really. Didn't you hear about my nightmarish experience with Apple?
